July 8, 2023
Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Kevin Mack, Trustee
Chris Sellers, Trustee
Al Vitous, Trustee
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 by President, Jerry Agrusa at the shelter house.
The minutes from the May 13, monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. Under activities, an asterisk was added to the Golf Cart Parade to indicate it was not a LDCA event at this time. The revised minutes were approved by Jim Watt – seconded by Scott Coakley and Al Vitous.
Jim Watt recited the Treasury Report. Several bills were paid. The Treasury Report was approved as written by Scott Coakley, seconded by Jerry Agrusa. This was approved by all.
Membership is now at 201 with possibility of increasing soon.
Paperwork was sent to a new attorney regarding several issues but he didn’t return any calls yet.
Al and Phyllis Vitous went around the lake to check for weeds. There are several that need to be re-sprayed and 4 new people who just paid to get sprayed. Date of second spray is July 11th. The weed company did good with no complaints. It was noted that we should add to the Newsletter in 2024 about raking the weeds in front of their place. This spreads the seeds and weeds could double. When you pull weeds, the root has to be taken out or it will grow again. Then place pulled weeds on the land to dry out. The color of the weed spray notice posted on the properties had no reflection of who got sprayed. It was just random colors they used.
Kevin cut down the arborvitaes at the shelter house park that was damaged. He also plugged holes from boring bees at Chickadee park and reinstalled the No Fishing sign. There are some weevils he is trying to preserve by not cutting the grass at the shoreline.
*Golf Outing – July 22nd
*Reverse Raffle – August 5th
Family Picnic – August 12th
*Wine Crawl – September 2nd
*Trunk or Treat – October 27th
*LDCA non-sponsored events
Jerry will buy food and staples for the picnic on 8-12 with a rain date of 8-13. A signup sheet was passed around asking volunteers to help. The activities will be kids games, volleyball and corn hole toss. This will be put on website plus asking people to bring a dish to pass.
The Boaters Safety Class had 32 people, highest amount in years. Ages ranged from 11 to 56 years old.
The Fireworks was a total success. A date in 2024 has been determined – July 6th.
The Golf Cart Decorating Contest had 23 carts. It was determined by volunteers to do it again on July 6th, 2024. In the future, the event will happen the day of the fireworks.
There are 26 trailers on the lake – a huge increase since May.
There are several obstacles in the lake – tree stumps, concrete, post, boulders, fence etc. DNR can remove buoys that marks them. A map could be done noting the obstacles to put on LDCA website
There were several incidents on the lake during the July 4th holiday. Chris drafted up a No Wake and Speed Limit signs. It was suggested they are put up at store gas station, public access, launch by Point Drive and launch by shelter house. They are 24×18 and/or 24×30 with a cost of approximately $450. Jerry made a motion to approve cost of signs. Jim seconded motion. All approved.
The board will take a look at the survey of the park for encroachment.
Even though there were 36 goose eggs collected, there were a couple nests missed or the geese re-laid their eggs.
People liked the flyers with activity information on it that the fireworks collectors passed out.
At 10:47, Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim Watt/Scott Coakley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Bell7-8-23 meeting minutes