LDCA Monthly Board Meeting, September 11, 2021

Monthly Board Meeting

September11, 2021


Roger Giallorati, President

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Kevin Mack 

Jerry Agrusa

Nancy Bell


Jim Watt

Al Vitous

The Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.

The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10am.

The minutes from the August 14, 2021 meeting were read. The minutes were approved as written.


Roger presented the Treasurer’s report. The report was approved as written.

There is a question regarding the amount of the bill from Clarke Aquatic. There has been a substantial increase over last year’s cost. Jim and Roger will follow up for clarification.


To date there are 204 members.


Lily pads were treated by Clarke Aquatic August 2nd.  

There was discussion about gathering estimates from other lake weed treatment companies. Roger will follow up.


The play structure at Chickadee Park has been restained.

After next month’s meeting, the shelter house will be winterized.

Duane Reemer will provide an estimate for the excavation of the pickleball court(s). Kevin and Terry will coordinate scheduling with JoEllen Wright.

The survey for Woodbridge Rd. Park has been done. The survey shows encroachment by both neighbors. This is a real liability issue for the association. Roger is working on letters to send to all property owners encroaching on the parks owned by LDCA. Ms. Burger will review prior to mailing.  


After todays meeting, Roger will survey non-compliant camper trailers. Ms. Burger is ready to schedule court dates for said camper trailer owners.


There was consideration given to the furture of the annual picnic.  


Nancy Bell has done a great job gathering information for the Welcome Packets. Packets will be given to new property owners of Lake Diane.


There is no update on the road project.  

There continues to be issue with non-lake fishermen utilizing the road ends of Pointe Dr. and East Diane Drive. Approximately six years ago, HCRC proposed abandonment the road ends at East Diane and Pointe Drives. In order to proceed the neighbors were consulted. Not all neighbors are in favor, so the proposal was scrapped.


Kevin brought attention to the bay at View and Dale Drives that has a history of filling in due to property owners making beaches with filling sand. In 1965 the mouth of the bay was 65’ wide. Last week Rick’s Rockwall built a rock wall and backfilled the mouth of the bay with sand. It is now roughly 15’ wide, and the water is only knee deep. Approximately three years ago, the property owners of that bay paid to have the bay dredged. All of the work and money is now a waste. The DEQ will be referred to for inspection, then advisement.

At 11:20 Roger made a motion to adjourn. Kevin seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Kim Byrne, Secretary