Here is the list of members and residents who have paid for lake weed treatment. Payment was due on May 20th.
Updated :June 10,2024

Last Map for June 17th Spray
- No human skin contact (swimming) until 06/18/2024 (24hrs after treatment)
- No irrigation until 06/22/2024 (food) 06/19/2024 (flowers/lawn)
- Tribune – Diquat Dibromide
- Propeller – Flumioxazin
- Cygnet+ – Adjuvant
Treatment provider has adjusted the schedule to the Week of June 17th (due to an equipment failure from treatment company) Signs will be posted Friday June 14th or Saturday June 15th. It is IMPORTANT to keep these signs on your waterfront until at LEAST the day when human contact with the water is allowed.
Teal = Members and volunteers who submitted payment before May 20th
Red = Late additions negotiated with treatment company
Blue = Additional volunteers who were added after treatment company had to reschedule (additional ~10%)