July 13, 2024
Jerry Agrusa, President
Scott Coakley, Vice President
Jim Watt, Treasurer
Nancy Bell, Secretary
Kevin Mack
Chris Sellers, Trustee
Al Vitous, Trustee
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by President, Jerry Agrusa at the shelter house. The minutes from the May 11th 2024 monthly board meeting was read by Nancy Bell. A motion was made by Jim Watt to approve adjusted minutes, seconded by Chris Sellers. All in favor and the minutes were approved.
Jim Watt read the first Treasury Report of this fiscal year. Scott Coakley approved the report as written, Al Vitous seconded. All in favor, and the Treasury report was approved by all.
There have been several new members that joined the association. Final number TBD.
Clarke Waterlife sprayed the lake for weeds on June 17th. The public launch was included in the spray since it was bad. Kill rate was very good – much better than last year. Six areas need to be resprayed or a new spray after the 2 weeks waiting process. Dead weeds on shoreline will float and should be cleaned up by owners. Proposed budget went from $513-$590 per acre next year. 268 lots were sprayed which is 60% of the lots. Assoc plans to move forward to look into SAD (Special Assessment District) to get lake sprayed. Township would collect the funds and write the check with LDCA being the contact person to interact between the owners, weed spray company and Twsp. Jerry Agrusa made motion to have Solitude do an Aquatic Vegetation Survey and Water Quality Testing on Lake Diane for $3,000. Jim Watt seconded. A vote was taken and all are in favor.
Kevin and others spent four hours striping the pickle ball court. Unfortunately, high winds and rain took it off. Then he spent another three hours grinding the surface. Friends of Lake Diane voted to pay part of the cost of the net at their previous meeting that Jerry Agrusa attended. Kevin has a 4 ft snow fence and stakes for the court.
Golf Outing – July 27th *
Reverse Raffle – August 3rd *
Family Picnic at the Shelter House – August 10th
Lake Diane Wine Crawl – August 31st *
Poker Run – September 1st *
Trunk or Treat – October 25th *
Music Jam – 3rd Friday in June-September *
*LDCA – non-sponsored events
Per attorney of a Lake Diane resident, association has clear title of parks and standing to be part of a legal action to enforce deed restrictions to prevent short term rentals. The following motion was made:
‘Lake Diane Community Association in conjunction with Chris and Michelle Sellers join efforts to pursue potential legal action of short term rentals in deed restrictions of Lake Diane Southern 2 LLC in accordance with Michigan Court of Appeals Ruling 354841 as it pertains to Deed restrictions in Lake Diane which forbid commercial activity.’
Jerry Agrusa made the motion seconded by Jim Watt. A vote was taken with 6/0/1 with all in favor:
A second motion was made;
‘To utilize the services of Levinger & Thompson in pursuit of short term rentals at Lake Diane 1, Section 2 in reference to Michigan Court of Appeals docket 354841’
All in favor and the motion was passed
A change of board members was voted and effective today:
Jim Watt – President Nominated by Chris Sellers/seconded by Kevin Mack
Jerry Agrusa – Treasurer Nominated by Jim Watt/seconded by Chris Sellers
Scott Coakley – Trustee
Al Vitous – VP Nominated by Jerry Agrusa
Positions were accepted – votes were taken and all agreed. No change of other board members for Nancy Bell, Kevin Mack and Chris Sellers.
Jerry will talk to Friends to see if they will pick up Toys for Tots since it is a community
Asking for volunteers to set up for picnic on Friday, August 9th, at 4:00. Jerry will get corn, porta potty and food for picnic. We will advertise picnic in several places about games and dish to pass. There won’t be any kids games because of the low turnout.
Next meeting will be on August 17th at 9:00. At 11:00, Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kevin Mack seconded the motion. All agreed and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Bell