November 2024 Monthly Board Minutes


November 9th, 2024


Jim Watt, President

Jerry Agrusa, Treasurer 

Nancy Bell, Secretary 

Kevin Mack, Trustee 

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee 


Scott Coakley, Trustee

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by President, Jim Watt at TTT.  The pledge of Allegiance was recited. Then the minutes from the October meeting were read.  The minutes with two minor adjustments was approved by Jim Watt, seconded by Al Vitous.  All in favor.


Jerry Agrusa read the Treasury report.  The mowing of parks was paid for the 2024 season.  Kevin Mack approved the report as written, Chris Sellers seconded.  All in favor for the Treasury report as written.


Membership stands at 203



Water quality was the top number one priority with 74% of the surveys received. Whole lake water management is the best solution to control weeds in the lake.  There are over 400 lots on the lake with 240 that were sprayed in 2024.  A flyer will be done to provide lake owners the benefits to hand out plus put on LD website.  Starting in Spring 2025, go door-to-door to get signed petitions to agree on whole Lake management.   A majority of the votes is needed for SAD.   This is extra work but Amboy Township board should agree with positive  information to put on winter taxes for 2026 spray for the 12.6 miles of shoreline.  In front of the dam would have to be excluded.  

Lately beavers have been spotted in the lake. Residence can get rid of them if they are doing damage to the lake.

There is an excessive amount of geese migrating lately.  Goose round-up is not permitted anymore. Jerry will inquire to apply for goose removal in 2025 that the state would do if approved.  


The fence for the Pickleball court was installed. Kevin and Chris will look for signs and work on wording for the court. Might need landscaping but won’t do till next year. Doug Whittler has some pavers that he will donate to the court landscaping.  

Downspouts were fixed on the shelter house by Kevin. He also would like to move the teeter totter more to the north.


No events for the rest of the year.


There are a couple of short term rentals still advertising on various websites. Steps will be taken in order to stop this. 


No conversation on this subject at this meeting.


Radar Speed limit signs on East Diane have been suggested like the ones on Woodbridge that were donated.  These were installed by the county.  The safety speed of East Diane is 15 mph.  

Cellers Road near Hillsdale Rd. has a big crack and ask county to maintain.

Underground telephone lines were cut and are exposed on the north side of the lake. Don’t know the reason why ditches are being filled in.  Jim will inquire at Amboy Twsp meeting.  

LDCA and Friends of LD are working on a LD phone directory to be distributed in 2025.

A seminar to learn water testing is being held on April 25th weekend in Muskegon. Instead of paying the state, have 2 volunteers take the class to get water samples.

Jim Watt resigned as President of LDCA.  Chris Sellers made a motion to accept Jim’s resignation as President, Nancy seconded. All in favor.

Chris made a motion to assign Treasurer to Jim Watt, Al seconded.  All in favor.

Chris made a motion to assign Jerry Agrusa as President of LDCA, Jim seconded.  All in favor.  

Positions were accepted and all agreed.

At 10:33, Jim Watt made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Al Vitous seconded the motion. All agreed and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Nancy Bell