LDPOA Annual Board Meeting June 11, 2016

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Annual Meeting

June 11, 2016



The meeting was called to order by President Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Al Vitous, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Kevin Mack

Terry Zibbell

Jerry Agrusa



The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


A quorum was verified.


Kim Byrne, Secretary, presented minutes from the June 13, 2015 annual meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Nominations were accepted for three vacant positions on the LDPOA Board of Trustees. Nominees were:


Scott Coakley

Jim Watt

Kevin Mack

Ruth Weiss


All candidates accepted their nominations.


Roger Giallorati made a motion that the option for nomination be closed.


Results of the election with number of votes received, and term length is:


Scott Coakley with 55 votes for a two year term

Jim Watt with 64 votes for a two year term

Kevin Mack with 66 votes for a three year term





Aquatic Life:


The lake has been treated for weeds. There were some areas of the lake which did not receive treatment.  The sprayers will return to treat the areas which were not treated.  The lake will be treated in the fall for lily pad control.  Permission slips have gone out to members for spraying through 2020.


The goose round up produced fifty-four goose eggs. There were no eggs collected the second round up.  The goose round up is held annually to reduce the goose population on the lake.  Goose waste increases the phosphorus level of the lake, so it is important to keep the population low.  The goose round up is effective as the goose population has reduced. 


The first water sample of the season has been collected. Lake Diane is not enrolled to have a phosphorous testing done this spring, however water clarity will be tested.  In the fall, phosphorous and water clarity will both be tested.




Terry Rupp gave a report on the Shoreline Restoration progress. There have been several fundraisers to date, with more to come.  It is projected that the work will commence in the fall. 


Due to the success of the annual Wine Crawl, a second playset has been placed at Chickadee Park. There will need to be a soft landing material placed underneath to prevent injury.  Thank you Jo Ellen Wright for your hours dedicated to the improvement of Chickadee Park!


Donna Davidson asked what will happen to the original structure which has been damaged by a wind storm. The slide has been broken.  Kevin Mack and Terry Rupp volunteered to repair what was left undamaged.  The estimated cost to repair is $100.  Jo Ellen Wright volunteered to donate the funds needed to repair the slide..


Lake Diane Events:


Jerry Agrusa has volunteered to chair the annual picnic. A volunteer form is circulating during the meeting today to seeking volunteers for set-up, roasting the sweetcorn, and cleanup.


The Toys For Tots Breakfast With Santa event will be held December 3rd.


Treasurer’s Report:


Jim Watt, Treasurer, presented the Treasurers report. The report was approved as written.


The proposed 2017 annual budget was submitted. Bob Christ made a motion the proposal be approved as written.  Al Vitous seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


The yearly audit was completed by Mike Skaff, Rod Anderson and Nancy Bell. The 2015 audit was approved as written. 


Volunteers to complete the 2016 audit were sought. The three volunteers are:  Arda Bucher, Nancy Bell and Rod Anderson.  The audit will be completed, then presented at the 2017 annual meeting.




There was a discussion on what order sites will be dredged. There has not been a firm policy put in place to distinguish prioritizing locations.  There will be more discussion in future months.


Rod Anderson suggested speaking to property owners in troubled areas to seek donations to try to accelerate the dredging process.


Old Business:


All camper trailers will need to be moved. There are lawsuits pending.  The judgement with the Duquette’s lawsuit sided with the Duquette’s because the statute of limitations had run out on the placement of their trailer.  If the trailer deed restriction was not enforced within a ten year period, it was deemed unenforceable.  But, if a trailer is placed then removed repeatedly, the courts will enforce trailer deed restrictions according to the wording for each subdivision.  LDPOA will continue to enforce, then proceed with the necessary actions to remedy violations.  There continues to be a health and safety concern with the placement of trailers.


New Business:


There was discussion on past due accounts. It has been decided that if an account is in arrears over $1,000.00, LDPOA will proceed with collections through small claims court.  


At 12:39PM Al Vitous made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim Watt seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted:



Kim Byrne, Secretary