LDPOA Annual Meeting Minutes June 13, 2015

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Annual Meeting

June 13, 2015



The meeting was called to order by President Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Al Vitous, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Kevin Mack

Terry Zibbell

Jerry Agrusa



The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


A quorum was verified.


Kim Byrne, Secretary presented minutes from the June 14, 2014 annual meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Nominations were accepted for three vacant positions on the LDPOA Board of Trustees. Nominees were:


Jerry Agrusa

Al Vitous

Kim Byrne

Bob Pitzen

Ruth Weiss


All candidates accepted their nominations.


Rod Anderson made a motion that the option for nomination be closed. Al Vitous seconded.  A vote was taken and the option for nominations closed.


Results of the election with number of votes received, and term length is:


Kim Byrne – 32, 3 years

Jerry Agrusa – 23, 2 years

Al Vitous – 22, 2 years

Ruth Weiss – 21

Bob Pitzen – 19



Aquatic Life:


The lake was treated for weeds June 3rd.  Al Vitous accompanied the lead boat with a map to indicate which areas were be treated.  It appears as the treatment was effective.  There is money available in the budget if a second spray is necessary.  Dave Ogle voiced concern that his shoreline was skipped two years in a row.  He was able to retrieve the operators with their equipment.  They then returned to treat his shoreline.  He then proposed a special assessment for weed treatment.  Roger indicated that the board had discussed that in the past, but concluded that it is not beneficial to the lake to be under the control of a separate entity.  Lily pads will be sprayed in the fall. 


There was a total of 37 goose eggs collected from two goose round-ups. Roger gave a presentation on “Goose Away” lights.  The lights will deter geese for a 75’ radius from the light.


Dr. Jo Latimer instructed seven volunteers from the lake in weed mapping. Arda Bucher presented a report of the findings.




The teeter totter at Chickadee Park is in need of repair. Scott Preston purchased the equipment.  Kevin will check with him for the information on the manufacturer to make the necessary repair. 


Due to complaints of late night/early morning fishing by non-residents, there have been three “NO FISHING, NO SWIMMING” signs to be posted. One will be posted at the shelter house, one at Chickadee Park, and one at Pointe Dr.


Kevin gave a report on the findings of the dive on the island that surfaces on the north end of the lake in the late summer months. The island is made up of stumps which have been cabled together and submerged.  This was done when the lake was built. 


Terry Rupp gave a report on the shoreline restoration project. There has been a meeting with the DEQ to gather information for the application.  Tonight is a fundraiser titled “Motown Showdown”.  There is a golf outing scheduled for September 26th at Country Meadows golf course in Fremont, Indiana.


Lake Diane Events:


We are in need of volunteers for the Annual Picnic. A volunteer form is circulating during the meeting today to seeking volunteers for set-up, roasting the sweetcorn, and clean-up.


The fireworks are scheduled for July 4th, with a rain date of July 5th.


There is an ad running for the lake-wide garage sales. The banner is up.  Tari Sharp volunteered to make new vinyl numbers to update banner information.


The Johnson lawsuit is ongoing. Roger and Jim are being deposed June 23rd.  AAA has been released.




All estimates are outdated, and will be researched and obtained as the funding becomes available.


Treasurer’s Report:


Jim Watt, Treasurer presented the annual report. The report was approved as written.


The proposed 2016 annual budget was submitted. Al Vitous made a motion to pass the budget as proposed.  Jerry Agrusa seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


Results of the 2015 audit were presented. The audit was completed by Arda Bucher, Ruth Weiss and Chris Hollenbeck.  The results were approved.  Next year’s committee volunteers are:  Mike Skaff, Rod Anderson, and Nancy Bell.


Dan Fleck voiced concern over inaccurate billing practices. It has been reported that some property owners have been billed incorrectly for their annual dues.  Jim will continue to research and correct the billing to insure accuracy.  Members are encouraged to contact Jim directly if they have a discrepancy in their annual billing.  


Old Business:


At last year’s annual meeting, it was proposed that a “Release of Information” be signed by Member’s giving permission for Lake Diane Property Owners Association to release information; primarily their address. The attorney has advised against this.


New Business:


Mike Skaff is present to discuss Lorna Jones house. The house is located adjacent to his property and is in complete disrepair.  There are rodents present, and the yard is not maintained.  Al will contact the Department of Health and the Hillsdale Building Authority to research a solution.


Due to numerous complaints about property owner’s utilizing trailers for long term use, members of the board met with the LDPOA attorney. Names and addresses will be passed to the attorney of property owners in violation.  In turn, the attorney will inform the property owners they are in violation then give them a time frame in which to comply.


There was question as to whether there are funds available for the repair of West Diane. The funds were being held by the township.  Roger indicated that there has been communication with the township treasurer, and the funds are depleted due to past repairs.


At 12:05PM Al Vitous made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jerry Agrusa seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted:

Kim Byrne, Secretary



At 12:10PM the LDPOA board of directors meeting was called to order. The purpose of the meeting was to elect the officers for the next year.  Results of the election were:


President – Roger Giallorati

Vice President – Al Vitous

Treasurer – Jim Watt

Secretary – Kim Byrne


At 12:15PM the meeting adjourned.