Lake Diane Property Owners Association Monthly Board Meeting November 18, 2017

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Monthly Board Meeting

November 18, 2017



The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Jerry Agrusa

Rod Anderson

Kevin Mack




Scott Coakley, Vice President


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Kim Byrne, Secretary presented minutes from the September 9, 2017 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Treasurers Report:


Jim Watt presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written.


Kim asked if the annual audit has been completed. The answer was “no”.  Nancy Bell, Ruth

Weiss and Arda Bucher will be contacted to complete.


Aquatic Life:


The lily pads were treated late September. They were not treated at Adkins, Smiths and LeBlancs.




If a building applicant goes to the county building authority with a request for a building permit, the county is not required to enforce LDPOA deed restrictions. They must issue the permit if all municipal conditions are met.  However, they will advise the applicant to contact their local association prior to construction.  They are including with the application/permit the following statement:  “This permit has been reviewed and issued for compliance with State, County, or local jurisdiction laws, codes, rules and standards.  If your property is within an area bound be (by) recorded deed restrictions, be aware that failure to comply with deeded restrictions may subject you to private legal action. “Contact your local association or Development Authority prior to construction”


Larry and Barb Meyers have made application and received approval for construction of a house and attached garage at 14727 West Diane Drive.







From the 88 property owners whom received letters regarding the dredging, 14 have yet to respond. Scott intends to follow up with a second round of letters.  He also plans to speak with property owners personally to answer any questions they may have.  Terry Rupp has volunteered to assist Scott.






The construction at the shelter house is nearly complete, and it looks great! Thank you to the worker bee’s for all your effort.  It truly is appreciated.  The project came in under budget, so the light fixtures will be replaced from the outdated fluorescent to LED.


Lake Diane Schedule of Events:


The Toys for Tots Breakfast With Santa event is on track for December 2 from 10-Noon at Shore Side Plaza.


Old Business:


The Fleck v Imo lawsuit is near settlement. There have been conditions placed on the settlement.


The Johnson and Shindorf lawsuits have been settled. The Shindorf’s have until January 1 to remove their camper trailer, and the Johnson’s have previously removed their camper trailer.  Each party has been directed by the court that their camper trailers can never be returned to Lake Diane.


LDPOA continues to pursue the collection of dues from both LeBlanc and MacDonald.


The judge favored in side of Robert Whitman as he purchased the “Lake Diane Incorporated” name after “Lake Diane Incorporated” became “Lake Diane Property Owners Association”. Kim Byrne made a motion that LDPOA seek alternate legal counsel whom specializes in lake property associations formed under the “Summer Resort Act” for a potential appeal in this matter.  Jerry Agrusa seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.  Roger will follow up.



New Business:


HCRC drained the pond on the south side of West Diane Drive. They will place a culvert under the road to allow drainage into Lake Diane to prevent further flooding.


At 11:08, Roger made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.   Jim seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.





Respectfully Submitted:




Kim Byrne, Secretary