Lake Diane Property Owners Association Monthly Board Meeting May 19, 2018

Lake Diane Property Owners Association

Monthly Board Meeting

May 19, 2018



The meeting was called to order by President, Roger Giallorati at 10AM.


Board Members in Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Kim Byrne, Secretary

Rod Anderson

Kevin Mack




Jerry Agrusa



The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Kim Byrne, Secretary presented minutes from the April 14, 2018 monthly meeting. The minutes were approved as written.


Treasurers Report:


Jim Watt presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved as written.


Scott made a motion that an attorney bill in the amount of $50 be paid. Roger seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.


Scott made a motion that bill’s received from Pat Giallorati in the amount of $257.71 and Bob Christ in the amount of $16.04 for shelter house improvements be paid. Roger seconded the motion.  A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.


Aquatic Life:


Due to no fault of LDPOA, the goose permit arrived one week late. There were multiple complaints from other applicants in Michigan for the same reason.  There were fifteen total eggs collected.  This amount is not enough to warrant a goose roundup as defined by USF&W. 


Bob Christ asked if we could collect eggs any earlier? Roger indicated that the dates are dictated by the USF&W.


Roger reported that the water monitoring program has not yet been approved as a line item on the state’s budget. He will continue to follow for updates.


Clarke Aquatic has been contracted to treat the lake weeds. Weed mapping will be done the second week of May with treatment the first week of June weather permitting.




Scott met with the Michigan Marine to negotiate the contract for the dredging. The contract was agreed to and will not exceed $35,000. The permit has been applied for.  Michigan Marine will pump the soil into bags, then after six months the bags will be split, then the soil excavated.


The depth of the water has also been given consideration when discussing the dredging. Scott will meet with Hillsdale County Drain Commission to discuss.





The roof has been torn off the shelter house in preparation for the new metal roof. Roger made a motion that James Delagrange be paid for removal of roof an amount not to exceed $1000.  Scott seconded the motion.  A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. 


Roger made a motion that the bill for the materials to Menards be paid with $1000 coming from the budgeted amount and the balance from the shoreline restoration fund. Scott seconded the motion.  A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.


The tarp is scheduled to be rolled up June 2nd at 10AM.  Painting will commence at that time, as well.


Lake Diane Schedule of Events:


Tari Sharp is making the numbers for the garage sale banners. Advertisements will be posted to both the Lake Diane Facebook page and website.  Roger will place an ad in the Tip-Off weekly circular.


Jerry has agreed to chair the annual picnic. There will be volleyball and corn hole games for the adults.  Kim will order trophies.


The location of the golf outing is undetermined. Windwood Hollow is auctioning the property and their maintenance equipment, and it is unknown at this time if they will be open July 28th.  Kim will have the information June 1st.


Old Business:


Roger received the bylaws for Lake Diane Community Association via email this morning from Karlye Horton. Roger asked that the LDPOA board review then comment.  Kim asked if Karlye could attend the annual meeting to answer questions posed by the members.  Roger will speak to Karlye.


Brad Spiess asked for information about the status of LDPOA. It was explained that LDPOA will operate until their funds are depleted.  Lake Diane Community Association will assemble for their first meeting as soon as all legal documents are in place.  After that, there will be a mailing to all property owners which will outline LDCA, legal and membership guidelines of LDCA v LDPOA, and a membership drive.


The letter from Mike Clark was discussed regarding the status of Lake Diane fireworks.


New Business:


There are three trustee terms expiring at the annual meeting.


A lengthy discussion ensued as Bob Pitzen challenged the board to promote the fireworks for 2018. It was decided that LDPOA will not promote fireworks this year.  The Lake Diane Fireworks Committee will be promoting all future shows beginning 2019.  


At 11:08, Roger made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.   Scott seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.





Respectfully Submitted:




Kim Byrne, Secretary