Lake Diane Community Association Monthly Board Meeting September 8, 2018

Lake Diane Community Association 6




The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The Lake Diane Community Association meeting was called to order at 10:25AM by President, Roger Giallorati.


Board Members In Attendance:


Roger Giallorati, President

Scott Coakley, Vce President

Kim Byrne, Secretary (via teleconference)

Kevin Mack

Rod Anderson

Jerry Agrusa




Jim Watt, Treasurer


Minutes from the August 11, 2018 meeting were presented by Roger Gialloratti. The minutes were approved as written.


The Treasurers report was presented by Roger Gialloratti. The report was approved as written.




To date, there are twenty eight Lake Diane Community Association members. Membership will continue to be promoted. As Grants of Authority are presented and approved for LDCA membership, the county will charge $30.00 to record each one.


Aquatic Life:


The lily pads will not be treated this year as the LDPOA funds are depleted.


We are asking boaters to please not tie off to the buoys as there has been another repair required.


Roger has noted an increase in fishing from Chickadee Park shoreline. He has asked the fishermen not to return.  His request has been successful, so far.


Terry Rupp discussed the weeds located at the tributaries that feed Lake Diane. He believe that these tributaries are continuously feeding weeds and weed seeds into Lake Diane.  This will discussed further at a later date.


The “NO WAKE” signs at Delta Drive have unknowingly been removed.


Calendar of Events:


Kim Byrne announced that the Toys For Tots event is canceled. Boxes will still be available at Shore Side Plaza for donation.  It is hopeful that the event will be scheduled again for 2019.


Kim has purchased a marquis sign to be placed on the shelter house property to promote LDCA events.


Old Business:


Nothing new to report.


New Business:


Kim Byrne is working with Chris Sellers to coordinate placement of new road signs within the Lake Diane community. Chris has draft designs to present to HCRC.  Kim will attend an HCRC meeting for presentation and cooperation efforts.




At 10:51 Roger made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Scott seconded the motion.  A vote was taken, and the meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted:




Kim Byrne
