2024 Lake Treatment Map for weeds (updated 06/14) : June 17th

Here is the list of members and residents who have paid for lake weed treatment.  Payment was due on May 20th.

Updated :June 10,2024

June 10 spray map

Last Map for June 17th Spray


  • No human skin contact (swimming) until 06/18/2024 (24hrs after treatment)
  • No irrigation until 06/22/2024 (food) 06/19/2024 (flowers/lawn)


  • Tribune – Diquat Dibromide
  • Propeller – Flumioxazin
  • Cygnet+ – Adjuvant


Treatment provider has adjusted the schedule to the Week of June 17th (due to an equipment failure from treatment company) Signs will be posted Friday June 14th or Saturday June 15th.  It is IMPORTANT to keep these signs on your waterfront until at LEAST the day when human contact with the water is allowed.


Teal = Members and volunteers who submitted payment before May 20th

Red = Late additions negotiated with treatment company

Blue = Additional volunteers who were added after treatment company had to reschedule (additional ~10%)

(updated 08/24)Notice: NO Harmful Algal Bloom in Lake Diane

From the Michigan Department of Health, Branch/St.Joseph/Hillsdale County

The Lake Diane Community Association has been notified by the Director of Environmental Health of Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph CHA that tests of Lake Diane final results have come back as non-detect for harmful toxins.

Thank you to the community for reporting this to community health agency and for all those in the community that helped communicate the information.

Lake Diane before and After 1960s transformation

old and new lakes

In the 1960s, the lake we know of now as Lake Diane was terraformed from the dredging and flooding of lowlands that surrounded two natural lakes. See our History for more. Below is a picture roughly showing what was (according to old maps) and what is now according to the Hillsdale GIS system. Enjoy this mix of history and present.




Public Meeting – AquaBounty Extraction and Discharge

pic of water and dock

Information about Lake Diane’s Aquifer

Public Meeting: 

AquaBounty Receipt of Wastewater Discharge Permit Application (Williams Co.)

Monday, September 12, 2022

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

North Central Local High School, Varsity Gymnasium

400 Baubice Street, Pioneer, Ohio 43554

Ohio DNR Details :  https://epa.ohio.gov/about/media-center/events/public-meeting-aquabounty-NPDES-Application

Williams County (OH) Alliance info :  https://www.facebook.com/wmscoa/

Background:  Lake Diane is part of the Michindoh Aquifer.  Being Aquifer spring fed, our lake ecology and health is directly dependent upon groundwater for sustainability.  Please be sure to share your voice regarding the extraction of millions of gallons of water from our ecosystem for salmon farming.

This information is being brought to you by LDCA but is not in the jurisdiction of LDCA.