New Laws Taking Effect – tax rate and restriction implications for lake landowners

Updated: 20240329

Today, Governor Whitmer signed Senate Bill 721 (approved by all Senate and House members) that extends the issue of addressing deed and covenant restrictions until September 2025. The original legislation allowing expiration of rights and covenants after 40 years is still in play, but the grace period to request extension has  been moved out to 2025.

Read more about it at Michigan Lake and Streams.

–original post–

The LDCA has been made aware that years ago, the Michigan Legislature passed legislation that will do two things that affect you as a lake resident.

  1. Your property taxes could increase by several times depending on how long you have lived in your home since 1995; an “uncapping of real estate property taxes”.
  2. The restrictions in place in your development could be wiped away, removing any prohibition to rentals, commercial, multi-family, junk storage, or any other restriction that you may have.

To find out more see the article that Cliff Bloom, representation for Michigan Lakes and Streams, says about how it will affect you and all waterfront property owners below. If you are concerned about this, please contact your Michigan legislature officials.

Two Ticking Time Bombs, Article by Cliff Bloom





December 2023 Board Minutes


December 9, 2023


Jerry Agrusa, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer

Nancy Bell, Secretary

Kevin Mack, Trustee

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee – via phone



The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by President, Jerry Agrusa at TTT. The Pledge of

Allegiance was recited. The next meeting will be held on 1-13-24. No meeting will be

scheduled in February.

The minutes from the November 11th monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell. The

minutes were approved by Jerry Agrusa – seconded by Jim Watt. The minutes were approved

by all as written.


Jim Watt read the Treasury Report. There wasn’t any income that came in since the last

meeting but interest from the CD will start soon. The treasury report was accepted by Jerry

Agrusa and seconded by Chris Sellers. All in favor.

Several LDCA members are past due paying Association dues. These members signed the

GOA, Grant of Authority, voluntarily joining the association. A letter will be sent to them with a

copy of their GOA asking them to pay. The late payment fee will be rescinded if paid by

February deadline date. The annual association invoices will be mailed in March, due in May.


There wasn’t any change in Membership.



Jerry Agrusa received a box from the prior attorney, Kim Burger. He went through the box but

could not find what he was looking for.

Chris Sellers will add a pdf blank copy of theGOA to the website.AQUATIC LIFE:

Most geese are gone but stayed longer due to climate change. A board member heard that

Merry Lake has more geese than Lake Diane. Jerry contacted DNR to get people trained for

goose round up in 2024. There is a video on the website for people to look at. The permit is

only valid for a short time in April so will ask for volunteers on the 2024 Newsletter mailing. We

only need one qualified trained person per team. In the past, geese were herded instead of

eggs being collected. It was costly and not sure if this process is still available. Swans are still

here but one is missing.


Dirt is needed for the pickle ball court. Chris volunteer to get stone to stop the water flow on

one side of the court. Park budget has little funds that might cover cost. Kevin will look into a

net and fence for the court. The shelter house will be closed shortly after this meeting.


There were 10 Welcome Packages delivered to new home owners in 2023. Four homes are for

sale on the lake.


No activities left in 2023


A copy of a judge ruling was obtained to forbid trailers on lake lots.


A final draft was approved for the 2024 priorities survey and request for volunteers to be sent

with LDCA annual invoice. Chris also drafted the 2024 Spring Newsletter to be finalized by



Discussed was a road trip to meet Cliff Bloom, attorney, in January to discuss 5 issues and

create face-to-face relationship.

When purchasing property on the lake, new owners are not always getting deed restrictions.

Jerry had gotten several inquiries asking about docks, fences etc. Chris will put copies of deed

restrictions to match up with lake map on

A resident on Tyson Trail/Easy Street is trying to get a bond from the township for street repair.

Must have at least 70% of home owners to agree.

No word on the approval of building a Verizon tower. They can’t use the same gate or road that

DMCI uses.

At 10:55, Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Scott Coakley seconded the motion. All

agreed and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell