September 2023 Board Minutes



September 9th, 2023


Jerry Agrusa, President

Scott Coakley, Vice President

Jim Watt, Treasurer 

Nancy Bell, Secretary

Kevin Mack, Trustee

Chris Sellers, Trustee

Al Vitous, Trustee 



The meeting was called to order at 9:02 by President, Jerry Agrusa at the shelter house.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  The next meeting will be held on Saturday, October 21st.

The minutes from the August 12 monthly board meeting were read by Nancy Bell.  The minutes were approved by Chris Sellers – seconded by Al Vitous.  They were approved by all as written.


Jim Watt recited the Treasury Report.    Several bills for the signs and picnic were paid.  Jim will move some funds to a CD for higher interest rates that was approved by the board.  The Treasury Report was approved by Jerry Agrusa, seconded by Chris Sellers.  All approved.


Membership stands at 203.



Jerry left a couple of voice messages to Cliff Bloom.  He is waiting  for options of trailer removal and other items.  Jerry is hoping to get response by October meeting.  Nothing has been paid for legal fees at this time.


The lily pad spray was done. There was a comment saying the spray didn’t hit the pads directly. They sprayed 40% which was over 20 homes and 1 boat lane.  A board member is not allowed to go on boat like we did in the past. Jim Watt will see if he can get map of the sprayed areas.

North Bay algae tested negative for toxins.  The algae is caused by shady, still, hot, shallow water with no wind or oxygen.  Aerator/Bubbler might help but a high cost.   Kevin might be able to provide one for testing to see if it would help. This algae will not spread by boat to other areas of the lake according to health department.  Only 2 paying association members are in that area.  Perhaps options could be presented to them.

Average adult Swan weighs 44 lbs and excrete 6 lbs a day.  The 2 adults and 7 babies (cygnets) with the geese that migrated should be leaving Lake Diane soon.  Might have to hunt twice for goose eggs next year.

A stump in the south side of lake is 2 feet down.  Several people have hit it creating damage to their watercrafts.

Several signs have been installed at the park, gas station and down a channel.


There is a court date set in late September to sue Williams County Commissioners. This project is at a stop at this time.



Territorial will be closed for construction of the 2 bridges at Carpenter Road. Project will not be completed till June, 2024.   Drain on West Diane by Woodbridge got washed out again.   


Kevin Mack got rid of the old, rotten tower that was at Chickadee Park. Signs keep getting fixed due to heavy winds this year.  


There were approx 70-80 people at the Family Picnic and 7 kids.  Maybe move it up one week since kids start school activities or get banners to advertise could bring in more people.  

*Trunk or Treat – October 27th

*LDCA non-sponsored events


Some trailers have been removed due to end of season.   Steps are needed to eliminate trailers for next year.  


Kevin and Chris are getting a quote for a 30×60 cement pad for pickleball court to replace the  volleyball court at the shelter house park.

DMCI is getting a grant to bring fiber lines to LD which is faster than WIFI. To show interest, residents can sign up at DMCI. The cell tower has not been installed yet.

Chris Sellers brought up a new idea of having a casino night   Preliminary talk was to have an entry fee with poker tables and roulette wheel. Not sure if a permit is needed since it would be fake cash. Chris Sellers will try to get information and talk about it at the spring meeting.

In the Spring newsletter or in the annual association mailing sent out to everyone in March 2024, attach a survey listing items of what people want the association to focus on.  For example, trailers, parks, rentals etc.  In the past, trailers have been a priority.

At 10:40 Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Scott Coakley/Kevin Mack seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nancy Bell9-9-23 meeting minutes